UA vs GA4 – Optizent Insights #3

Insights: Why are Metrics Different Between Universal Analytics and GA4?

Universal Analytics (popularly known as Google Analytics) is going away on June 30th and is being replaced with Google Analytics 4 or GA4.

As you migrate from Universal Analytics to GA4, you will notice that the metrics between the two versions of Google Analytics don’t match. 

In order for you to understand these differences, I have written a blog post. This post will not only help you better understand GA4 but will also help you educate your stakeholders as they start to use GA4.

Read the post at:

Quote of the week

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney

Video: Free GA4 Training

Come join us for a free GA live training session at

Article, Updates, and Resources

Since the deadline for Universal Analytics is fast approaching, I am going to be providing the latest Google Analytics 4 (GA4) updates, articles, and training resources so that you can make a smooth transition to GA4.

Optizent Academy

When you are ready to pave the road to Digital Analytics Career Success then check out, Optizent Inner Circle Membership 

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