GA4 and BigQuery Summer Bootcamps

Now that you’ve migrated, these workshops will help you take a deep dive. Use these instructor-led workshops to take your tracking to the next level. GA4 has a ton of new features. Use week one to make sure you’re on top of your game with GA$, and in week two, build your BigQuery and SQL skills.

GA4 Now What!?

GA4 has a ton of new features. Now that you’ve gotten your feet wet, this workshop will help you take a deep dive and make sure you’ve crossed all your t’s and dotted all your i’s. Now that UA data has stopped, let’s make sure you are maximizing GA4 for your business. You don’t have to go it alone. Use this instructor lead workshop and join a cohort of professionals facing the same challenges.  

In this session, you will:

  • Learn how to verify your data settings and avoid thresholding issues.
  • Learn about various types of events available in Google Analytics 4 that you can leverage right away
  • Learn how to “Explore”
  • How to take your GA4 tracking to the next level with custom events, user properties, and parameters.
  • How to start tracking above with GA4 using GTM

Register at

BigQuery & SQL with GA4 Data

BigQuery is a fully-managed cloud data warehouse with built-in Machine Learning. This is where the GA4+Bigquery magic happens. Unlock insights with petabyte-scale analysis & built-in ML. Build your SQL skills to integrate and transform your data.

In this session, you will learn: 

  • GA4 opens up doors for deeper analysis and targeting opportunities with GA4 + BigQuery integration. 
  • How you can integrate Google Analytics 4 with BigQuery 
  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data structure in BigQuery 
  • Writing SQL to pick the right data · Dealing with Event Properties, User Properties, etc. in BigQuery. 

 Bring all your questions and get them answered in this session.

Register at

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